

Git tips and tricks

In a few short years Git became one of the most popular source control management system,…

How we’ve created the LaLa Lunchbox iPhone app

A few days ago the LaLa Lunchbox app landed on App Store. Even after such a…

Using Drag&Drop on tree structure with SmartGwt

Today i’m going to show how easy it is implement drag&drop functionality on a visually represented tree structure using SmartGwt.

Git merge and rebase – the simple explanation

Git merge and rebase have the same purpose – to converge multiple branches of development. Although…

A simple HTML renderer in PHP

Occasionally, projects are done that do not require usage of feature-rich frameworks or libraries. They usually have a short list of requirements and are built on top of simple infrastructure. Such projects are often prototypes that may become a complex system sometime in the future. But, until that happens, as a first step, a quick demo will be assembled and it needs to be as stable as possible. This post describes one possible way to go.

Qt Development: Working with zip files on Symbian

If you are working on an application targeted for Symbian phones, one of the easiest ways to work with zip files is to use existing APIs available on Symbian OS. This is a short blog post that will show you how to use those APIs from your Qt application.

Cut your way through problems with git bisect

We (developers) write bug-free code and it’s always “someone else” who introduces a bug that is…

Javascript Debugging for Dummies

Debugging Javascript used to be tedious task, but due to advances in browser technology (thanks Google) things have improved for poor Javascript developers. Browsers nowadays come fully equiped with tools allowing you to easily test & debug your code.

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